"UTAP Into Your Talent" "UTAP Into Your Gift"
Uplifted Talent and Productions is an acting studio where new and seasoned actors are trained on how to improve their skill on stage and on camera! In addition to this we offer public speaking classes to help you prepare for public speaking in front of crowds within any setting. The design of the studio is to uplift the actors in an encouraging atmosphere and educate them using several acting methods.
Make an appointment today and TAP into your God given Talent and Gift!
Email - [email protected]
SoDivine Magazine
Reading So Divine?? You are too kind! Start your day off with a dose of Godly inspiration at www.sodivinemagazine.com.
As always, we're looking forward to those COMMENTS! We can agree to disagree, or simply inspire and encourage .
It goes a long way! Be Blessed!!!
Make sure to check us out on facebook So Divine Magazine and Twitter twitter.com/sodivinemag.
As always, we're looking forward to those COMMENTS! We can agree to disagree, or simply inspire and encourage .
It goes a long way! Be Blessed!!!
Make sure to check us out on facebook So Divine Magazine and Twitter twitter.com/sodivinemag.
A.P.O.C. (Another Perspective of Christ)
Under the direction of Ministers Mark and Wayne Bullock, A.P.O.C. Ministries was founded as an organization dedicated to drawing the lost and dejected into the body of Christ by showing them an accurate depiction of Christ.
Far too often the world portrays Christ as an uncaring and unforgiving God who is out of touch with the people today. A.P.O.C. Ministries seeks to destroy these myths by reaching out to the people and presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ in creative, innovative, and exciting ways; such as: talent shows, artist showcases, youth events, plays, interdenominational fellowships, and various charity events.
In an effort to provide funding for these endeavors, so the remain free or low cost to the public, A.P.O.C. Productions was formed. Since its founding, A.P.O.C. Productions has helped promote and generate funds for some of A.P.O.C. Ministries most influential endeavors such as the "Godly Conversations" CD release and the "What's Your Talent or Gift" talent show. Moreover, in addition to aiding in funding ventures for A.P.O.C. Productions has also assisted other ministries and non-profit agencies in the production and advertisement of their community outreach projects and events.
It is the overall goal of both A.P.O.C. Ministries and A.P.O.C. Productions, using every available means, to spread the gospel of love, joy,peace,and salvation to the world at hand for the up-building of the kingdom of God. Follow APOC on facebook as well
Far too often the world portrays Christ as an uncaring and unforgiving God who is out of touch with the people today. A.P.O.C. Ministries seeks to destroy these myths by reaching out to the people and presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ in creative, innovative, and exciting ways; such as: talent shows, artist showcases, youth events, plays, interdenominational fellowships, and various charity events.
In an effort to provide funding for these endeavors, so the remain free or low cost to the public, A.P.O.C. Productions was formed. Since its founding, A.P.O.C. Productions has helped promote and generate funds for some of A.P.O.C. Ministries most influential endeavors such as the "Godly Conversations" CD release and the "What's Your Talent or Gift" talent show. Moreover, in addition to aiding in funding ventures for A.P.O.C. Productions has also assisted other ministries and non-profit agencies in the production and advertisement of their community outreach projects and events.
It is the overall goal of both A.P.O.C. Ministries and A.P.O.C. Productions, using every available means, to spread the gospel of love, joy,peace,and salvation to the world at hand for the up-building of the kingdom of God. Follow APOC on facebook as well